
Big family, tiny house, lot's of personalities

Word of the week – Memories

The word that sums up my week is:




All of E&Ff’s photos and most of LM’s were taken before digital cameras.  I would like to say that the best ones were all carefully selected and placed in beautiful photo albums that are brought out occasionally to be oohed and aahed over. Sadly, this isn’t the case. They are all kept in a box upstairs, only to be pulled out when someone is looking for something else and comes across said box!

I would just like to point out that I had twins then went on to have a total of four kids aged five and under. Photo sorting was not a priority for me 🙂

This week I was actually looking for the photo box as I will be reviewing a phone case soon which has your photos printed on to it. I wanted to put some of the older kids when they were little on it. I also then had to dig out the external hard drive that holds the rest of LM’s and all of LV’s photo’s. See it doesn’t make any difference how the pictures were taken, they still end up at the back of a cupboard. Well, they do in my house anyway!

We have all had a wail of a time looking back at how they were when they tiny. So many memories come flooding back when I look at these pictures. I think about how tiny LV must have been having glasses. He’d already had them 8 months in this picture:


LV aged 2

I think about all the happy, silly faces I’d be greeted by when I went to get them out of bed in the morning:

erin cropped

E aged 1

And the amount of time they actually spent in cardboard boxes when they were little. Seriously, there’s barely a photo that doesn’t at least have a box in the background!

ffion cropped

Ff aged 10 months

I also giggle at the all the dressing up and tea parties we seemed to have:

lili cropped

LM aged 1

I also looked back on some newer memories of O, like his first ever Christmas party:


O aged 4 months

I may not show it sometimes when they are pestering each other and all I want to do is go hide in a dark room, but I am so proud of my kids. They have grown so much since these photo’s, even O, and my love for them has grown too. You hold those teeny tiny babies when they are first born and the world seems to stand still. But before you know it they are teenagers and almost taller than you are.


Are you like me that you have to go searching for old photos before you can gaze over them lovingly? Or are you more organised and have your photos all sorted and displayed in albums, scrapbooks or actually framed? Oh and one last thing. Hold those babies extra tight and don’t wish away their lives. They will be up and grown before you know it x

The Reading Residence